Naomi Morad

The Path To Healing

Are you feeling stuck?

Are you feeling anxious? Depressed?

Are you struggling to create healthy and lasting relationships?

Do you walk around with a sense of sadness, or helplessness? Feeling like no one truly sees or understands you?

Have you been sexually abuse?

Do you feel like you’re running in circles? Finding yourself in the same situation over and over again?

Do you feel your insecurities stopping you from moving forward in your life?

Do you find yourself tossing and turning at nights?

There is a way to heal and transform the struggles and pain you are dealing with today.

How does our past affect our present?

Our self-confidence, courage, and ability to love freely are often tied to our past, and the pain of what we have experienced. When those experiences remain unresolved, they can show up in many different ways, such as anxiety, depression, attachment disorders, eating disorders, chronic pain… just to mention a few.

As you heal, you will gain greater insight and clarity of what’s been holding you back and why, as you uncover the real source of your pain and let it go.

As a trauma-informed body psychotherapist, I have been specializing in healing trauma since 2002. After healing my own childhood trauma, it has been my passion to assist and support my clients on their journey of becoming whole, regaining their strength, love and passion for life.

There is nothing that brings me greater joy than helping and guiding others on their path to healing. If you are ready to heal, move forward and find out who you truly are, your journey begins here.